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Adult Faith Formation

You are welcome here!

Our ministry at Hope Church exists to help all embody the message of “Loving God. Loving All People. Living in Grace.” Through our adult education ministry opportunities, we grow in our faith, closer to one another, and closer to God, giving us the courage to embody the message of his son, Jesus Christ. We do that by offering Bible studies, book clubs, discussion groups, and fellowship opportunities. You will find your place here among our diverse congregation.


Julie Reeks (she/her)

Elder for Adult Faith Formation

In July, Hope explored the topic of mental health and mental illness. Many people struggle with this, either personally or through a loved one. 

Our Sunday worship services explored the role of the Church in caring for those who struggle. 

We also had a speaker series with mental health professionals who will discuss a variety of topics and how to access care.

Click the Anthem of Hope logo to see all of the mental health resources available from this series.